please be aware. due to export restrictions to these countries, there is a special requirement.
You will need a End-User-Certificate.
You have to prove and guarantee, that the car you buy in the EU, will stay in your country. The car cannot be sold to another country.
Our fee is 3% of the net price (min. 1.500 EUR, for cars with a net price of less than 50.000 EUR.)
We have to charge a 19% VAT deposit, which you will get back as soon as your car has arrived in your country and you send the required documents back to us.
Please help me to find the right car.
I cannot find it myself or my English is not good enough to speek to sellers.
I would like you to help me. I am ready to pay an advance of € 200,- that you can keep in case you are not able to find the right car. (min. 8 hours working time)